
Showing posts from June, 2017

5 Weird Wedding Customs Practiced Around The World

Weddings around the globe are not just about the grandiose and celebration but also about the age old traditions that are religiously followed by the natives of a country. These customs have certain beliefs related to them and said to bring good luck for the newly married couple. Here are the most unusual rituals from around the world that will surprise you. India: Indian weddings are not just known for being glitzy, they have some unusual customs related to them. The weirdest one is that of hiding the groom’s shoes by the bridal party when he takes off his shoes on the way to the altar. The groom’s family is supposed to try and protect the shoes at all costs. However, if the bride’s family succeeds in stealing and hiding his shoes, the groom has to pay to ransom them back. Indian Wedding Customs Hungary: Here, one of the guests grabs a big bowl during the reception and shouts, “The bride is for sale!”  to everyone present. Thereafter, he puts money in the b